Taking Your Marriage To Higher Ground

It is so unfortunate to hear and see that the divorce rate in the church of Jesus Christ is more than that of the world. Christian couples tend to do very well in all church activities such as attending church programs, mid-week services, night vigils, prayer meetings, rendering services to the Lord using their time, strength and their finances to move the work of God forward. But when it comes to the issue of marriage, it becomes a big challenge for them to abide in the precepts and order laid down by the Almighty God for marriage; maintaining orderliness and allowing the peace of God to reign in their homes. I pray that God gives us more understanding of His divine plans for marriage in Jesus name.

There is no perfect marriage; there is no marriage without flaws and challenge(s) but the book of Romans 8:37b says with God by our side, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. It is only when we have God by our side that our marriage can be heaven and not earth bound. It is only by him that we can walk on all the challenges that is confronting us in our homes. Hab. 3:19 says the Lord is my strength that makes my feet like the feet of a dear; he enables me to tread on my high places. Deut. 32:13 also tells us that he can make us ride on the high places of the earth, including all the marital problems confronting us, and make us to enjoy all the blessings the Almighty God has pronounced on marriage. We see many people walking out of marriage today because they refuse to allow the Lord to take the lead.

When the Lord wanted to build the tabernacle, he gave Moses the specifications of what he wanted, and how he wanted it.  Moses did it just exactly as the Lord commanded him; this is the same way to build a home. God already had the plan in mind of how he wanted our homes to be. Going through the book of Ephesians 5 will really help us to do what is required of us.

Christian couples have left the specifications given by the Almighty God and have drawn their own; that is why the rate of divorce is high in the Christendom than in the world. Both the husband and wife want to take the lead. Remember, 2 masters cannot be in a boat; it will make the boat to capsize. So, until we agree to abide and walk in the specifications given to us by the author of marriage, we will not go anywhere as per marriage.

What does it mean to take your marriage to HIGHER GROUND?
First, let’s see what it means to be on higher ground: It means to be in a position in which you have an advantage over others in everything especially in your marriage, and that’s what God wants for us and where he wants us to be. He wants us to be above and not beneath. He wants us to be the head and not the tail. This applies to everything that concerns us including our marriage; nothing should be left behind in Egypt. He wants us to shine in every area of our life. King Pharaoh said in the book of Exodus to the children of Israel, “you can go yonder to the wilderness to worship and sacrifice to your God but leave your women, your children and your livestock animals.” What the King was saying in actual sense was that LEAVE YOUR MARRIAGE, LEAVE YOUR HOME, LEAVE YOUR FAMILY, AND LEAVE YOUR BUSINESS BEHIND in Egypt and go and sacrifice to your God. There is a proverb in my dialect that says, “A King without a Queen is no King,” that means a home without a father or mother figure is no home because that was not the original plan from the beginning. The Bible says in the book of Matthew that “In the beginning it was not so.”  Every bad trait or bad tree growing that was not so from the beginning and is now manifesting in your life is cut down from the root in Jesus mighty name.

Colossian 3:1-2 says, if then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things below (earth). What the word of God is saying here is that if truly you are a born again, sanctified, holy ghost filled believer, a true citizen of heaven, then you are to set your mind on things above on everything you have. You cannot set your mind above on some things and set it below on some other things; you have to set your mind above on everything that partakes to you because that is where you are seated with Christ: in heavenly places. That means you run your marriage according to God’s specification. When God wanted the people of Israel to build him a tabernacle, he gave Moses the specifications and patterns of how he must build the tabernacle. Moses followed all the specifications given by God; he did it exactly the way specified by God and he was approved by God. So also is our marriage; we need to go to the manual made for the institution, study it very well and do just exactly what we have read so we can be approved by God and He will save us from all marital shame and embarrassment seen by disobedient children.

Many Christian couples have allowed the prophesy of King Pharaoh to come to pass in their lives whereby you see husbands living several miles from the home; no father figure at home and rooms have been opened in the process for the devil to come in and afflict the family. I pray that will not be our portion in Jesus name. God wants us to lift everything to higher realm in Christ; that’s when we can experience a blissful, heaven bound marriage.

Going through the steps below and acting accordingly will not allow the devil to have a toil on your marriage. This is also when you can have a mountain top, blissful and a higher ground experience in your marriage. I pray the Almighty God will anoint our ears to be hearing and following ears in Jesus name.

1. You must be truly born again. Your spirit man must be regenerated; your old life must give way and you put on the new man which is the life of Jesus Christ.
2. Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you.
3. You must leave the crowd especially those that are not going anywhere concerning marriage. You must leave the crowd for you to have a higher ground experience. Matt. 17:1, you have to separate yourself from those that keep you involved in sin and rebellion – 2 Cor. 6:14-18 and those that have a different meaning of marriage to that of God because they will mislead you.
4. Cast all your cares about your marriage to the Almighty God- Psalm. 55:22.
5. Read the manufacturers manual on marriage and ask for grace to do accordingly; precepts upon precepts.
6. Take self out completely so you can allow the spirit of God to have its full course.
7. Lift up your marriage and commit it daily into the hands of God.

1. Father, plant my marriage on higher ground where there is no divorce, no separation, no fighting, no misunderstanding of any kind in the name of Jesus.
2. Father, I receive grace to do according to the plans laid down for marriage in the name of Jesus.
3. Father, I will not miss heaven because of my marriage. I will do all it takes to keep my marriage in the name of Jesus.
4. Father, I pray for those going through challenges in their homes, that you will give them a sudden intervention and heal their marriage in the name of Jesus Christ.
5. Father, make me walk on my high places. Let me walk on my challenges. I refuse to be trodden upon by my challenges. I start to walk on them now by your grace in the name of Jesus Christ.
6. Father, we ask you bring every run-away fathers and mothers back home in the name of Jesus. Let there be a re-union in our homes and family in Jesus name.
7. Father, we thank you for answered prayers. Thank you because testimony galore shall be our portion after this anniversary. To you oh Lord be all the glory.


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