The Great Woman

What does it mean to be great?

To become great is in God’s hands because 1 Chronicles 29:11 declares He alone is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty. His greatness is unsearchable, it cannot be fathomed. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the heap; He sits them with Princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. He alone can change your name, your status, your position and give you a new start. I pray that somebody will receive a new beginning in the name of Jesus Christ.

To be great simply means to be YOU and not any other and to be conscious that you are living in the history of humankind with God as the author of this history. You may not be remembered on the page of history in the same way like Mother Theresa is being remembered, but what matters most is that you are being remembered by God. To know God and to be known by God, and to be a human being in relating to others in whatever role you are called to be is to be a great person.

You are not created empty; when the Almighty God created you at the beginning of creation, He created you in His image with many treasures inside of you and loaded you with virtues-2Cor. 4:7. You are not ordinary. You are an epitome of His greatness. The book of Psalms 82:6 says, Ye are gods and the children of the Most High God…. Take a deep breath and look deep into your Life, there is something you can do that others cannot, there is something that your family lacks, something your neighborhood is thirsty for, something that this generation is gasping for, that its only YOU, and I mean only YOU can deliver it. The use of these divine deposit must start from our home because an adage back from where I come from says, “CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME.” The husband man must first partake of the fruits. 

There is a well of treasures inside of you that your family is waiting on you for. The release of the treasures is what will make you and yours move to your next dimension and until you rise up to move, nothing moves. Romans 8:19 says, “The earnest expectation of the creatures waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. People are waiting, your generation is waiting, your family is waiting, and the body of Christ is waiting; waiting for you to release the treasures.

I pray a prayer for you and yours that the grace to exhibit the gifts inside of you will be given to you in the name of Jesus. It is not how much you give but how much love you put in your giving.

Look at Jael, a woman full of the virtues of care and hospitality in the book of Judges 4:21, who became  the heroine that killed Sisera to deliver Israel from the troops of King Jabin. She was part of the solution  by releasing the virtue of hospitality and putting an end to bondage and captivity from the hands of the enemies of Israel.

Have you thought about Abigail, who had a wicked and self-centered husband named Nabal, who refused to show hospitality and care to King David, a servant of God. This action of Nabal caused David to fight him but Abigail showed David a virtue of honesty by pleading with him and his men as to protect her family. She stood in the gap for her family not to be destroyed and she brought peace into the family.

What about Esther in the book of Esther 1-8, that stood in the gap for her people and the nation of Israel. God used her to remove the reproach on God’s people in Sushan and to preserve their lives for God’s purpose. She became selfless for others to live. Her words were “If I perish, I perish.” Wow, what a selfless life Esther lived. She got her people total victory from their enemies.

Lois and Eunice are also perfect examples of greatness. They had unfeigned faith that was also deposited into their son called Timothy in 2Tim.2:5. This made him a man of good character because someone stood for Timothy, someone poured greatness into his life to be what Apostle Paul saw in him.

All these people achieved greatness by releasing the treasures inside of them. My prayer for you is that you too will become great in the name of Jesus. I can see seeds of greatness lying inside of you, do not make them dormant, rise up and activate them. Rise up and build the bridge of peace in your community; rise up and do something no one has ever done. This is the time to stop someone from weeping, to wipe the tears off someone’s face, the time to clothe the naked, the time to remember the less privileged children, and to give counsel to the broken-hearted women.




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